Sure-shot ways for making more friends after 50

When you are someone who has always been involved with people and groups, life after 50 can become a bit lonely for you. You adjust to the thought of staying at home after retirement and parting ways with the people with whom who you have spent a majority of your life.

Revisit Past Hobbies

Think of some hobbies and interests you had, before life took over. Joining a club or gardening can suffice in this regard. The first step in this process is to admit that you are lonely. You won’t make any progress, if you are not open to new experiences and shy away from them. You can even pay a visit to some old friends and delve on some memories. These old friends will refer you to other friends and you might end up forming a colorful squad.


The aim in revisiting past hobbies is to keep yourself busy. Sitting in front of the telly-box and walking up and down the stairs is not what you should suffice with. You don’t have any responsibilities to cater to, which is why you can get busy moving and enjoying some hobbies that were implausible back in the day. A few 50+ people that I know have formed book clubs and discuss good books every once or twice a week. They bond well with each other and have a stupendous time together.

Be Confident About Making the First Move

There will be times when you feel a spark while talking to someone and enjoy their company. Whenever you get such a spark never make the mistake of missing the opportunity. Make the first move and ask for their number of any other mode of contact. See, if they are part of any clubs or societies, which you can join as well. Likeminded people get along really well, so the other person will also enjoy talking and communicating with you.


Your confidence should be sky high and you should not wait for the other person to make the move. Finding the spark can be difficult as your age rolls by, but if all is handled well, you can make a friend for life.

Be Regular

Whether it is going on a weekly club meet or a stroll in the park during the evenings; try to be a regular. Once you are a regular, people will start accepting you even more and will converse with you on a regular basis. People, who have been fond of absenteeism all their life, will find being regular difficult, but good friends just don’t come walking by; especially at this age. You will be required to make an effort from your end, to ensure that you don’t end up spending your time on the sofa watching TV all day long.

Invite People

Many of us feel intimidated at the thought of inviting people over to our home for dinner. This intimidation has resulted in the death of an age old custom of regularly inviting people over for dinner. You can revive this custom by inviting a few close friends and then trying it with people that you meet outside on a regular basis. Inviting them over would start a chain reaction of invitations, where you will get a chance to sit and talk with a few of their friends as well.

Find Out What Is Happening Locally

Have a keen eye on all that is taking place in the vicinity that you live in. From book fairs to food festival, have a keen eye for events that can be interesting for your group. Once you find something interesting, you can let your group know and can plan accordingly in advance. You can find more friends in such festivals and can have a good time with the friends you have.

More importantly, you will stay in touch with everybody on a regular basis. Not meeting each other for a while can hinder friendships at this stage, which is why you should take the lead and plan pertinent meet-ups for your group every once in a while.

Plan a Trip

With no time constraints on your schedule and a good group on your hands, you can plan a trip to explore the beauty in your adjoining areas. The trip can either be centered on one location, or you can hover across locations to make the most out of your time. The trip will be a great bonding time for everyone in the group and you will have a good time communicating with each other as you explore beautiful and interesting places that you have never seen before.


Moreover, you can also take the lead responsibility by planning everything in advance. The responsibility will keep you busy and will be a good way to pass the weak. Book a private coaster and arrange the snacks so that everyone applauds your brilliant management skills.


Your age does have an impact on how you communicate with people, but with the right attitude, you can make your age nothing more than just a number. Have a good time communicating with people and make unexpected friendships.

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