Save Money, Eat Healthy at a Farmers Market

If you are looking for a way to save money on produce and eat a healthier diet, the solution may be as close as your local farmers market. Farmers markets bring fresh local produce to consumers, whether they live in the city or enjoy a more rural lifestyle. No matter where you call home, there is probably a farmers market or two within easy driving distance.


So the next time you are feeling hungry and adventurous, get out the car keys or hop the train to the local farmers market. You just might be surprised at the great solution, excellent prices and wide variety of fresh healthy food you will find there.


Better Taste

One of the biggest advantages of shopping at farmers markets is the produce there tends to taste better. Supermarkets are great for staple goods, but the produce they sell is often picked before the peak of freshness.


This gives the shippers and suppliers more time to get their apples, peaches and watermelons to the shelves, but fresh taste is often sacrificed in the process. The growers who attend farmers markets are local, and that means they can leave their delicious fruits and vegetables in the field until they are busting with flavor.


Lower Prices

Growers who frequent farmers markets often have lower overhead costs than other producers, and they can pass those savings on to their customers. Consumers can often find much lower prices at the local farmers market compared to the supermarket.


Lower prices means you can buy more produce and serve more fresh fruits and vegetables to your family. You do not have to spend a fortune to enjoy a fresh, healthy and varied diet. Shopping at farmers markets can save you a lot of money.


Local Connections

The advantages of shopping at your local farmers market go beyond low prices and fresh flavor. This unique venue also gives consumers a chance to talk directly with the people who grow their food - something that is impossible at the grocery store.


Parents can use the weekly excursion to the farmers market to teach their kids about farming and where food really comes from. That local connection could be enough to convince reticent kids to eat their veggies.


Some Tips to Help You Get the Best Deal

Shopping at the local farmers market is a great way to save money and enjoy healthy food, but it is important to shop carefully. The following tips will help you make the most of your trip to the local farmers market.


. Buy in small quantities, at least at the beginning. Buying a smaller amount of produce helps ensure you will use it all before it goes bad.


. Try a bit from each farmer. Every farmer at the market brings their own style to the market. Sampling a bit from each provider will help you choose the best produce and get the best value.


. Ask for advice on storage and preparation. One of the main advantages of shopping at a farmers market is that you get a chance to talk to the people who grow the food. Solicit their advice on storage methods and preparation - you will be glad you did.


. Explore a new fruit or vegetable on every trip. You might start out with a simple basket of peaches, but some home-grown star fruit or red ripe raspberries can provide even more variety in your diet.

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