Make this Green Energy Juice

Green juicing interrupts sugar cravings, giving our body the reset it needs.

Makes 14 ounces of juice.


1 large bunch spinach, or kale

1 English cucumber, or other

4 stalks of celery

1 Granny Smith apple

1/2 lemon, juiced

1/2 tsp. organic cinnamon, optional

I recommend using organic produce to avoid pesticides, which cause inflammation in the body. Experiment using other green vegetables.

Cut up all ingredients into small - medium pieces. Remove the stems from kale if using. Cut the ends off the spinach.

Adding lemon can support gut health. Cinnamon has antioxidant properties, and is anti-inflammatory.

Put all ingredients into the juicer of choice. Add the cinnamon, if using, and mix well.

Enjoy the fresh flavor, and benefits of your green juice.

Laurie Richardone is a seasonal gluten free chef and certified health coach.

To work with Laurie, visit