Combat digestion issues with some of these foods

Considering that we are turning into a constipated and bloated generation, special care needs to be given to the digestive system. The digestive system is arguably the core of energy and longevity for life. There are not many things which are more frustrating than having to live your life, plagued with the threat of a below par digestive system.


The problem can be hard to get rid of, but digestive issues should not be considered a norm, rather they should be considered as an excuse to get your eating habits on track. While digestive problems are already unwelcomed, they can signal a lot of other problems as well.


Your gut is arguably the foundation of your health. The symptoms may seem rather innocent and timid at first, but they can accumulate to form a plethora of problems, which will impede your day to day living.


Symptoms related to a flawed digestive system also point towards a sluggish digestion, which means that your body isn’t eliminating toxins as efficiently as it should. Not only do these toxins accumulate within the body to cause daily problems such as headaches, lack of energy and brain fog, they can also threaten you with serious illnesses such as colon cancer.

Chia Seeds

Native to Guatemala and Mexico, Chia seeds are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants. These tasteless seeds, brown or white in colour, are perfect for getting your digestive system back on track. The increase omega 3 fatty acids, minerals and fibre contents within the body.


You can reduce inflammation within the body, regulate bowel function and lower calorie content by eating as little as 2 table spoons of Chia seeds. Moreover, you can also experiment a bit by adding liquids in the seeds to form a mixture which can be used as an egg replacement.


In its pure form, Ghee can be called clarified butter, minus the sugar, lactose and milkfats. Ghee, unlike butter, does not turn rancid under room temperature and tends to maintain its freshness and brilliant taste for over a year.


Numerous other fats are known to slow the digestive process of the body and give us the heavy feeling we get after eating them. On the contrary, ghee works differently, as it promotes the secretion of stomach

acids, which can be useful for breaking down fats.


Besides assisting with the digestive system, ghee can also work wonders on your energy levels. With high nutrient contents, ghee can be a perfect remedy for someone suffering from low energy levels. Organic ghee can easily be found at any store near you.

Coconut Oil

Solid at room temperature, coconut oil with its sweet and runny taste is an excellent substitute for butter and all other similar products, including oil. The fatty acids and antimicrobial properties present in coconut oil are perfect for improving digestion, immunity, metabolism and energy levels.


Found to be tasty and healthy, Zucchini is a magic vegetable, which can sufficiently improve hydration. It detoxifies the body and promotes healthy digestion. Considering its high fibre content, zucchini is believed to have a cleansing effect on our digestive tract, including the intestines. It plays the role of a laxative and prevents carcinogenic toxins from staying in the colon.


Zucchini, which is usually dark yellow or green, is typically grilled, roasted or added to baked dishes for improved taste and health. The nutrients are specifically present within the skin, so it is best to leave it on for maximum benefits.

Bone Broth

Bone Broth is one of the simplest, cost effective ways to get your digestion back on track. Bone broth is known to protect the body against infections and reduce inflammations. Bone broths are found to contain gelatin, which holds and attracts liquids that help seal and heal the gut. Bone broth is also found to contain a wide variety of easy to absorb minerals, including magnesium, calcium, glucosamine and phosphorous.


You can experiment with the broth by making a stew. Just fill the bottom of a slow cooker with various veggies, add bones and a few other ingredients and then cover them with water. If all goes well, you will have a hot and tasty stew, ready to eat by the end of the day.


Also known as dried plums, prunes are well known for their natural laxative effect on the body. There are numerous fruits which can counter the symptoms of digestive problems, but prunes with their laxative effect make the cut. Moreover prunes are also found to contain a compound known as dihydroxyphenyl isatin. This compound can help stimulate the movement of the intestines to contract and move, like a lubricant.

Prunes also contain a variety of insoluble and soluble fibres, which help the body to get rid of additional waste and help things to get along smoothly. They also contain a nutrient called sorbitol, which pushes water into the digestive tract making it easier to pass. To top it all off, prunes contain numerous minerals, including magnesium, which relaxes and smooth muscles in the digestive tract.

Lacto Fermented Vegetables

Veggies such as kimchee, sauerkraut and pickles are known as lacto fermented vegetables and are potent detoxifiers. Although they might sound intimidating, these crisp veggies are easy to make and eat.


Lacto Fermented Vegetables have high levels of probiotics and can break down to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body. To make a delightful meal out of these vegetables, all you need is salt and filtered water.


Considering its overall role in your health, your digestive system needs to be looked after with a lot of care and precision. To ensure that your digestion is in pristine condition, all you need to do is to make a diet out of the foods mentioned above.

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