Sandy’s Food for Thought: A Cherry on Top
Fresh cherries are a delight! Cherries are a wonderful snack but you can also create some great recipes by using them.

Taylor’d with Style: Prints? Yes, Please.
As summertime winds down, your wardrobe may need perking up. Summer’s heat can zap any motivation to be fashionable.

Living on the Watermelon Wedge
Watermelon's juicy-sweet flavor indicates that it is a fruit and it grows from a vine. But it is a cousin to cucumbers and squash.

Wellness in the Workplace
If you are back at work, it’s important to remember to take care of yourselves just as much in the office as you did at home

Passing Along Good Financial Habits
If you’re in your fifties, sixties, or seventies, you may recall a really lousy financial decision at some point in your life