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Daily tips for good oral hygiene

Dental tech shows patient his x-ray

Good oral health is something that everyone aspires to have. Not only is your good oral health flaunted through a beautiful and ravishing smile, but you also get relief from numerous problems that can be extremely painful in the long run.

Poor oral hygiene has been found to be a cause of numerous medical problems such as gum disease, bone loss, gum infection, strokes, heart disease and many more. All of these problems are not only painful but require you to follow extensive procedures that might eat a lot of your time and money. Regular checkups are bound to follow all oral problems. The feasible solution to this problem is to follow a stringent hygiene that places your oral health above everything else and keeps you safe from all these minor issues. Here we mention a few methods you can implement on a daily basis to keep your oral hygiene intact for the rest of your life. Brushing One fun fact about brushing is that we all know how useful and beneficial it is for our oral hygiene, but some still shy away from following it on a regular basis. Brushing is not only one of the easiest ways to keep your teeth clean and beautiful, but is also a brilliant method of saving yourself from major impediments in the future. Always position bristles at an angle of roughly 45 degrees to the gum line, when brushing your teeth. Both your gum line and the surface of your teeth should be in continuous contact with the bristles of your toothbrush. Always brush the outer surface with a back and forth movement. Place the bristles at a 45 degree angle to clean the interior surfaces of the teeth, including the gum. When you are done with all other movements, you should move over to brushing the roof of your mouth and the surface of your tongue to remove all forms of bacteria that might be causing bad breath. The key is to brush at least 2 times a day to prevent acid from building up. Bacteria can build up from acid that forms from the breakdown of food. If your routine hinders you from doing so, always rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, after you are finished eating anything. Flossing Flossing is a chore that many forget after they are finished brushing. To be honest, brushing is often done at awkward times of the day, so flossing can be neglected in the hurry. You are either rushing to get dressed before work or you are getting ready for bed after a long day, but you eventually end up missing this important detail.

Flossing cannot only help complement your brushing routine but it will also remove any detrimental objects like food particles that tend to accumulate in your teeth and your mouth. Flossing basically gives you the luxury to go deep inside your teeth where bristles from your toothbrush and water from a mouth wash cannot. Flossing is recommended once a day, so never forget this important detail.

Avoid Tobacco It is amazing how many things tobacco consumers sacrifice to enjoy a cigarette or a cigar. The fact of the matter is that tobacco is not only harmful to your lungs and heart, but it also presents a risk to your oral hygiene in the form of periodontal complications and oral cancer.

Besides the major risks, tobacco can also merge with all other agents you use to mask the smell, to create a rather harmful effect; for example, chewing gum to curtail the rough smell of tobacco coming from your mouth will double the ill effect of consuming tobacco. Thus, take care of your health and bid adieu to all forms of tobacco that are coming in between you and a healthy lifestyle.

Consume Calcium and Other Vitamins Just like other parts of the body, your oral heath can benefit from healthy food intakes. Calcium is not only healthy for your bones, but it also helps prevent all infections and other implications from striking your oral health. The best way to consume calcium is through the consumption of milk, broccoli, fortified orange juice, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products.

If you don’t like the taste of the products mentioned above, you can always consume calcium through a supplement. Vitamin D along with Calcium is necessary for maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. Vitamin B complex has also been found to be essential for protecting your teeth and gums from bleeding or cracking during the day.

Limit Sodas, Alcohol and Coffee Someone who knows their soda, alcohol or coffee would argue that these beverages usually contain a good enough level of phosphorous – Phosphorous is a mineral considered necessary for good oral hygiene – so, they are indeed beneficial for oral health. But, the underlying fact here is that all excessive intakes of all these beverages can end up depleting the level of calcium in your body.

The high intake of these beverages and the phosphorous available in them means that you are compromising your oral hygiene. Excessive phosphorous can eventually lead to gum diseases and tooth decay. Beverages also contain additives that may make your teeth appear discolored and dull. Therefore, it is best that you limit your intake of all these beverages and substitute them with something healthy like milk.

Visit Your Dentist Even after knowing all of the methods mentioned above, you might not be able to implement them because of certain implications. Therefore, it is important that you make time for regular oral hygiene checkups from your dentist.

It is recommended that you do so twice every year, so that you can detect and stop any future dental problems from hindering your lifestyle or making you go through excessive pain.

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