Gathering Together with Healthy Herbs
Summer is a special time to create magical moments that will
be remembered throughout the years.
by Laurie Richardone

One summer I still remember is a gathering I had for twenty people; twenty years ago. I grilled twenty ears of corn, pulling back their husks and tying them with kitchen twine and I snipped the ends with shears, to create a unique handle.
After they were perfectly grilled, with charred brown bits of color and still warm to the touch, I layered each piece with my fresh parsley parmigiano butter blend. I presented them on a decorative platter. It was a conversation piece. Succulent and scrumptious.
Giving ourselves the time to plan a special gathering will have beneficial effects on your health. Coming together with people in our lives brings in joy, connection, and laughter. Pair this along with summer dishes and a dusting of fresh healthy herbs for a perfect alchemy to lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Creating peak experiences for those you care about is not only fun and inviting, it sends a message of how much appreciation you have for the people at the table.
Did you know that fresh herbs can pack in just as much nutrition as vegetables? Just like green leafy vegetables! It’s true!
Fresh herbs contain large amounts of vitamins
A, C and K.
Many herb plants also contain polyphenols. Polyphenols are plant compounds that have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities. You find them in green tea, blueberries, oregano, and olive oil just to name a few.
Herbs are loaded with phytonutrients that protect healthy cells from damage by neutralizing the free radicals, which helps prevent adverse effects on our health.
Research shows that all of these compounds regulate blood sugar, combat arterial plaque, and protect the liver.
Wow wee.
Summer is also the time we may crave satisfying treats. Indulge that sweet tooth by getting your sugar fix from fresh in-season fruits like peaches and melons. Take the liberty to integrate summer herbs into your sweet dishes. Chop up some fresh Summer basil, mint, or rosemary to pair with my coconut ice-cream recipe. Try a sprinkle of seasonal herbs over your fruit, or even my strawberry cashew cheesecake. Yes, rosemary adds the savory to the sweet, and with summer fruit at their peak of flavor, it’s amazing.
To your good health
If you are a curious cook or person, join me on my Podcast A taste for All Seasons.
Listen to the latest episode, that will change the way you cook Salmon.
Learn how to master three summer sauces with healing herbs, that will cover just about everything you whip up this summer.
Summer Desserts are on my website
All shows on or wherever you listen to your podcasts. We talk to farmers, wellness experts,and artisans where you can learn how to cook & live within the wisdom of the seasons.

Laurie Richardone is a seasonal gluten free chef and certified health coach.
To work with Laurie, visit